
Security today should first be looked at from a wholistic view taking into consideration policies, procedures, compliance, usability and visibility. Before purchasing any product, it is important to understand what risks you have, the risks you are comfortable with, and the risks that you must mitigate.

Usability is a key topic – often the more secure something becomes, the usability decreases. Therefore, in certain cases where controls are too secure, users will find ‘other ways’ of achieving the same outcome.

Below are just a handful of areas that we can assist, helping you on your journey to having a more secure business. Though before getting started, also consider engaging us for a security assessment.

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Password Manager

Often referred to as a password vault, allows for the secure storage, management and sharing of passwords within your organisation, as well as externally.

Some key reasons for a password manager include:

  1. You don’t need to remember your passwords – they should be complex enough that you can’t
  2. You’ll only need one master password – secured with MFA/2FA
  3. Save time with auto-login
  4. Report and enforce password complexity
  5. Check the dark web for leaked passwords across all users and passwords
  6. All passwords are encrypted
  7. Access passwords from any platform

Endpoint Security

Today’s endpoint can be a laptop, a tablet or a mobile phone, all potentially with a different operating system – Windows, iOS or Android.

Securing any of these should take into consideration (at a minimum):

  • Vulnerability management
  • Operating system upgrades
  • Application upgrades
  • Antivirus and antimalware
  • Web filtering
  • Anti-phishing
  • Policy enforcement
  • Visibility – often the most important piece
We can help you find the best solution to meet your needs and keep you as secure as possible.
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Identity and Conditional Access

Often not directly attributed as part of security, identity solutions play a major role in securing assets and information, no matter where the application resides.

This especially true for securing cloud-based applications as organisations adopt more and more SaaS (software as a service) based solutions.

Not only can you grant access to applications based on traditional users and groups, but more than ever it is important for additional layers like Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) also known as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), and more complex factors like Conditional Access Policies, which could be based on user location or the device they are logging in from. 

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UTM Firewalls

A firewall is a perimeter network security device that protects users on the Local Area Network (LAN) from unscrupulous people and organisations on the internet.

Generally speaking, any network that is connected to the internet will have one of some type, often for home users known referred to as your router or modem. However, hackers don’t discriminate and business grade UTM (Unified Threat Management) firewalls offer enhanced security to suit all needs.

Our team have great experience with UTM firewalls from different vendors and can help you select the right solution to meet your needs and budget.