Data Protection

It is expected that at some point during a person or businesses lifetime that they will suffer from data loss. Therefore it is critically important to have a plan and solution in place to recover when it happens.

Studies show that the most common causes of data loss are:

  1. Human error or accidental deletion
  2. Theft
  3. Software corruption
  4. Computer viruses
  5. Hardware failure
  6. Natural disasters
  7. Power failure
Unfortunately, the impact of such loss is often hard to quantify until such an event occurs. Often it is a good idea to have an understanding of the potential impacts of such an event. These include:
  1. Loss of business functions 
  2. Damaged reputation
  3. Financial implications – often due to loss of business function, as well as unexpected spend trying to recover.
  4. Legal consequences
While there are many ways to try and protect your data in the first place, you also need to ensure that you are prepared for the worst-case scenario which is to recover the data from a backup.

With 15+ years of experience in data protection, we can give you expert advice to make decisions on:
  • The right backup product
  • Where to store backups
  • How long to keep backups
  • Managing your backups
If you are yet to start the process of finding a backup product, or want some advice on whether your current product and strategy is the right one, please get in contact, we would be more than happy to help.