Business Continuity

What is Business Continuity?

The term refers to the capability of a business or organisation to continue operating after a significant disaster. The event that causes the disaster could come in many forms:

  • Accidental deletion of data (user error)
  • Equipment failure – laptops, servers, network devices etc
  • Supply chain issues
  • Environmental issues – flood, fire, power etc

Why Is It Important To Have a Business Continuity Plan (BCP)?

In the majority of cases, a disaster will negatively impact a business, but how it will impact the business is generally something that is either not thought about, or simply not wanted to be thought about!

How quickly a business responds to such an event is often the difference between whether it sinks or swims and being prepared for as many of these disasters in advance will help speed up the businesses response times, and often ensure it’s survival. 

In recent times, the COVID-19 pandemic is probably the best example. It’s safe to say that most businesses were not prepared for this, especially the food service industry – who were often laying off staff. The ones who survived adapted, turning restaurants into takeaway stores.

A Business Continuity Plan, often referred to as a Disaster Recovery (DR) Plan, maps out any or all expected and unexpected disasters, their impacts, the risk and chances of it happening and a plan for overcoming them.

How We Can Assist

While computer systems are also prone to failure, they are luckily also of great assistance at the same time. Write a note on paper and it catches fire, chances are it is gone for good. Write an electronic note on your PC or tablet, chances are it’s been backed up somewhere – or should be!

Our team has extensive experience in providing processes and systems than can assist with the implementation of BCPs covering:

  • Backup
  • High Availability
  • Redundancy – reducing single points of failure
  • Cloud Computing
For further information or to discuss how we can assist you, please contact us today!